As the year comes to an end, many of us like to reflect on what we've accomplished and what we would like to achieve during the coming year. This exercise is especially important when it comes to our financial lives. A year-end review can help you determine whether you reached your goals or whether you need to make adjustments to get your finances on track. I've rounded up advice from a few of our favorite personal finance bloggers to help you with this process.
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"Let's take a look at a few ways you can maximize your tax savings before the end of the year."
What's Holding You Back [Money Crush]
"It's almost that goal-setting time of year, but before you begin thinking about your New Year's Resolutions consider this: Have you ever said to yourself, "Oh, I really should do ______" (maybe last year?) but then you don't follow through?"
How to Balance The Future With the Present [Consumerism Commentary]
"Once you've planned for the future, you're in a better position to be concerned about making the most out of every day, but you can live in the moment without sacrificing your future."
Hidden Emotional Factors That May Be Destroying Your Finances [ReadyForZero]
"If you've never thought about how your emotions are dictating your relationship with money, now's the time to start."

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Survey Finds Most Americans are Delusional About Their Money -- Are You? [Money Under 30]
"We give others failing marks for saving and investing, but give ourselves an A or a B! Something doesn't add up. Are you delusional about your money skills?"
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